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Privacy Policy

Updated December 19, 2023
Providing a safe and comfortable experience is important to us.
We want to inform you about how our website works, what we do, how we do it and how it may affect you.
We would like to inform you.

Personal Data
Dr. Lescolton (“Dr. Lescolton”, “we”, “us") is the data controller ( data controller).
We value our customers and their privacy and are committed to respecting and protecting your personal information and privacy in accordance with applicable laws, industry regulations, and other relevant standards.
To help you understand how we collect and use your personal data, we have set out below our core data protection values ​​when processing your personal data.
For privacy and data protection issues, please contact us at any time at

Data Collection
It is important to us that you know what information we collect about you and how it is collected.
Dr. Lescolton may collect personal information about you in two ways: 1) when you directly provide us with information about yourself through your use of our website (the “Site”); and 2.
) when using our cookies.

How We Use and Share Information
Dr. Lescolton uses the information we collect from us or our partners as follows: - To register you as a customer (if applicable).
- To provide you with information about products you request and purchase and to facilitate billing and shipping.
– Optimize your visit to our website to improve your overall experience and provide better service.
For example, we use Google Analytics and AdWords to customize content to your specific needs.
– To process your application (if applicable).
– Marketing purposes, such as various promotions via direct marketing (if applicable).
It's also to evaluate companies like Lipscore.
– To communicate with you, including to provide customer service.
To send you service-related messages, such as notifications, confirmations, and updates.
To send advertising messages.
Where required by law, we will obtain your consent before sending you marketing messages.
You may opt out of receiving promotional messages as described above.

Where we process your data
We will do our best to only process your personal data within the EU/EEA where the Common Data Protection Regulation applies.
All of our proprietary systems are included and this also applies to our order management partners.
However, some partners can still perform some tasks outside EU/EES borders.
In such cases, the partner guarantees by agreement that all processing is carried out in accordance with the security requirements of data protection regulations.
We continually strive to select partners who value your data stored within the EU/EES.

Disclosure of Information
Dr. Lescolton will not disclose information about you to third parties without your consent, except as required by law or in connection with products you request or purchase from us. will not be disclosed.
Dr. Lescolton makes every effort to ensure that all data it processes is accurate.
Of course, this also applies to the personal data we process.
If any information is found to be incorrect, we will correct it immediately.
You have the right to access and review the information we hold about you by requesting a copy of your records (free of charge).
You also have the right to rectify any inaccurate or incomplete information about yourself and, to some extent, to request that your personal data be deleted (the "right to be forgotten").
However, please note that certain legal obligations may prevent us from immediately deleting some of your personal data.
For example, obligations arising from accounting regulation, tax, money laundering or consumer rights laws may require us to retain certain parts of your personal data.
In such cases, we guarantee that no data will be used for any purpose other than meeting legal requirements.
If you would like to request transcription, correction, deletion, or have any other questions about how we process your personal data, please contact us at

You agree that all information, text, photographs, images, videos, graphics or other materials displayed on this Website (collectively, ``Content'') are the property of Dr. Lescolton.
I understand and agree to this.
Use of the Content is expressly prohibited without the express written permission of Dr. Lescolton.
No Content may be reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, or otherwise copied without the prior written permission of Dr. Lescolton.

Using our website, you hereby consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to its Terms of Use.